Blessed Nativity and The Broken Camel
The National LaSalette Shrine in nearby Attleboro (MA) celebrates Christmas by lighting every tree on the property and proclaiming Jesus’ birth in story and song. Thousands come every year to worship and or enjoy the lights and…
The Innkeeper and the Rest of the Story
Every Christmas pageant that I have seen includes an Innkeeper that gruffly says; “Sorry but there is no room in the Inn. Go away,” and he slams the door. Poor little Billy’s heart wasn’t in it. After…
My A,B,C’s to a Merrier Christmas
Angels – The first messengers of Jesus’ birth. They heralded the good news for all mankind – and they sang loud and clear. Baking – I enjoy making, sharing and eating Christmas cookies. It’s fun receiving them…
Joy of the Shepherds
Joy and happiness are both emotions where a person has feelings of contentment or satisfaction. But both of these feelings differ from one another. Happiness is an emotion in which feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to…