Glimmers or Love Notes From God?
Sometimes we can get so overwhelmed with our “to do list” and the very real problems we are facing. We might start feeling like Eyeore, Winnie the Pooh’s friend. It just seems impossible to follow Paul’s admonition!…
Learning The Secret of Contentment From Old Hymns
The deep poetic words in old hymns can teach us the secrets to being content. All of our social media and advertizing is based on telling us that we need their product. We need newer or better…
The Spice of Life
Standing in the grocery store I pause with amazement at the wide assortment of spices on the shelves. There are many herbs, spices and flavorings to please our palates. Hot, mild, salty, sweet, sour and savory, they…
Preparing Your Heart for the Holidays
In America we are beginning our holiday season and the tension is already beginning to build. Thanksgiving is approximately two weeks away but the stores have been putting Christmas decorations out since October. How do we prepare…
Four Verses for Difficult Times
I always bristle when I hear Scripture taken out of context, twisted around and made to fit the speakers’ agenda. Recently one of our top politicians did just that to maybe make her words sound righteous: “Let…