What Does Advent Mean and Why Do We Celebrate?
When I was growing up, my Church did not observe the season of Advent in a formal way. It is not in the scriptures but neither is Christmas as we celebrate today. The tradition of focusing on…
What Haunts Your Thoughts?
There is much in this world to worry about; crime, the economy, health issues, natural disasters, war and everyday relationships can weigh heavy on our minds. We all could rest easier if the media didn’t constantly remind…
When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair
Often when I hear news of someone’s else’s misfortune or I am going through a difficult time myself I think, ” life just isn’t fair”. When my kids were growing up sometimes they thought we parents weren’t…
When Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough
Once again our Nation is glued to the media as another horrific and incomprehensible murder of innocent children has occurred. The news reporters and politicians offer their “thought and prayers ” as a way of expressing their…