The Women of the Easter Story
The attitude of Jesus towards women broke many normal social standards. Women lived very restricted lives in first century Palestine and belonged to their husbands (like property). Their main purpose was to provide an heir but they…
Are You Looking For Something More?
After watching a recent television advertizement I could only shake my head. A young woman was ordering an ice cream sundae and asking the waitress to pour more toppings on it and more and MORE until it…
Five Lessons From Our Feathered Friends
Our birdfeeders are strategically placed so we can view the many different species that come daily to visit. Living in New England brings different birds throughout the year as some migrate north for the warmer months and…
My Word for 2023
For the past few years I have been challenged by several of my writing peers to choose one word for the year to focus on. To choose a word or words to incorporate into everyday living that…
No More Resolutions, Excuses and Regrets
I stopped making a “new years’ resolution” several years ago because they just didn’t stick. We all know in January the gyms are full and so are Weight Watchers and other dieting programs. Memberships start to dwindle…