The Blessing of Intercessory Prayer
The Importance of Prayer From cover to cover the Bible is filled with examples of prayer. Jesus modeled different types of prayer. Prayer is simply communication with God. We can give Him praise, we can cry out…
St. Patrick, the Man and the Myths
Facts About His Early Life Over 1600 years ago a young teenager from northern Britain (possibly Wales) was kidnapped by Irish sea pirates and sold into slavery. His name was Maewyn Succat. He served his master as…
Our Christmas Traditions, Where Did They Come From?
Traditions are customs, beliefs, stories and actions that are passed down orally from generation to generation and accepted as fact. Traditions strengthen family bonds and create memories. They can teach values and offer comfort and security. Understanding…
Autumn: Hope For New Beginnings
Autumn is my favorite time of year. The period of time between summer and winter when the period of daylight becomes shorter and tempatures are cooler is also called Fall in New England. The deciduous trees burst…
Hope When Your World Turns Upside Down
Tragedy, Trauma and Crisis are some of the words used when suddenly your world is turned upside down. Our headlines are filled with the harsh realities of our world that hit us broadside and bring us to…