Seeds of Potential
There is a bumper crop of apples in New England this year. The too hot and too wet weather for people was great for the fruit trees. Each seed has potential for life and growth and an abundant harvest. Each apple has the potential to be used in a lot of ways….eating, baking pies, muffins, pastries, making cider, applesauce, decorating and the list goes on. An apple tree takes eight years of growing before it will bear any fruit and then varying amounts each year. How many apples will there be in its lifetime?

Did you know that apples are not native to the US? They were introduced to North America in the 17th century by European colonists and their descendants. Most stories about the American folk hero John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed, are more fiction than fact. Born in Massachusetts, he planted apple orchards as far as the Midwest. He never married, lived a very simple life and shared the message of God’s love to everyone including native Indian tribes.
The word potential means, “ having latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness”. Synonyms for potential are possibilities, prospects, promise, capability and capacity.
The Bible tells us that most of the twelve disciples were hard working but uneducated men. They were trying hard to understand and follow Jesus’ teaching but questioned how they could possibly do what He asked. 5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” 6 And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. Luke 17:5-6 (ESV)
We serve a God with Whom nothing is impossible. When the Hebrews were taken out of Egypt – God parted the Red Sea. When David faced off against the giant Goliath – God took him down with a stone and a slingshot. When Daniels friends refused to bow to the kings statue – God rescued them from the fiery furnace. Jesus fed 5000 people with only a little boys lunch.
For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37 (NLT)
Since we don’t have any mustard trees in New England, can I use the term “apple seeds of faith”? Is your faith as small as an apple seed? Every person has potential and so does each day. We need to find our gifts and abilities to develop and use them by reading the Bible – God’s manual and by talking to the Master Gardener. Every day we are given new opportunities and choices to share our faith with a lost and hurting world. Just think of all the possibilities!
Whatever circumstance you may face today ask God to show you the potential within and take a small step forward even with “faith like an apple seed”.

The Majesty of Autumn
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