Tagbah – To Walk Where Jesus Walked -part 6
Our trip to Israel was so amazing that I am still processing all we saw, learned and did. A place called Tagbah is still the most meaningful for me. Tagbah sits on the north-western shore of the…
Jerusalem – To Walk Where Jesus Walked- part 5
“Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. During its long history it has been destroyed at least twice, besieged…
The Sea of Galilee – To Walk Where Jesus Walked, part 3
Our visit to The Holy Land included a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee as well as visiting many towns around it. In the Bible, this body of water is called several other names including the…
Saturday – When Everything Was Wrong
The whole world had been turned upside down in one day. Confusion, Disbelief, Fear, Heartbreak, Shock… were just a few of the emotions the disciples were feeling. What had gone wrong? Jesus was their friend. Rabbi, healer,…
Spring of My Heart
Spring is a time of renewal, new birth and HOPE. During this Lenten season we are often challenged to examine our lives and our hearts. Winter is receding, days are longer and buds are forming on the…