Are You Living Spiritually Defeated?
The Causes of Spiritual Defeat Are you living spiritually defeated? We often may feel that way but should not stay feeling that way. Dr. John K Jenkins Sr. stated that there are three causes of spiritual defeat…
The Power of Words To Hurt or Heal
The words we use can wield great power to hurt and destroy or they can be encouraging and healing. A familiar retort to words on the playground was, ” Sticks and stones may break my bones, but…
Learning The Secret of Contentment From Old Hymns
The deep poetic words in old hymns can teach us the secrets to being content. All of our social media and advertizing is based on telling us that we need their product. We need newer or better…
The Blessing of Intercessory Prayer
The Importance of Prayer From cover to cover the Bible is filled with examples of prayer. Jesus modeled different types of prayer. Prayer is simply communication with God. We can give Him praise, we can cry out…
Two Prayers For Mothers
Mother’s Day can bring a mix of strong emotions. There are many types of mothers; expectant mothers and there are mothers on their knees for wandering children. There are mothers with medically complex children and those who…