Life is Like a Donut
Life is like a donut - without Jesus there is a hole in the middle of you heart.
The Hope of Easter
Spring brings the promise of renewal and new life. Even here in New England while we are enduring our 4th Nor’easter, we know Spring will come. We long for warmer weather and outdoor activities. We look for…
Broken and Uprooted
Last weekend’s storm left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity. For some that meant no heat or water and flooded basements .The damage from the wind to the trees and power lines was extremely widespread. Walking…
Ruffled Feathers
I love watching the birds in my back yard and neighborhood. I’ve observed the Great Blue Heron, tiny sparrow, red tail hawk, turkeys, goldfinch, ducks and many more. They are all unique and we can learn lessons…
Finish Strong
The 2018 Winter World Olympics are set to open this Friday night in Pyeong Chang, South Korea and literally the whole world will be watching. These athletes are the best of the best. They have practiced innumerable…