Trip to the Holy Land
Dear Readers, Yes a post is missing! On May 24th My husband and I were just returning from a trip of a lifetime …To Israel. In seven days we saw and learned so much it was…
Days Without the Sun
Spring has been so dreary in New England this year. April only had four days of total sunshine. Gray clouds and light sprinkles to pouring rain have continued to drag our weary bodies and souls down. Oh…
Saturday – When Everything Was Wrong
The whole world had been turned upside down in one day. Confusion, Disbelief, Fear, Heartbreak, Shock… were just a few of the emotions the disciples were feeling. What had gone wrong? Jesus was their friend. Rabbi, healer,…
Spring of My Heart
Spring is a time of renewal, new birth and HOPE. During this Lenten season we are often challenged to examine our lives and our hearts. Winter is receding, days are longer and buds are forming on the…
Just a Touch of His Robe
She was exhausted, out of resources, rejected, alone and in deep agony of body, mind and spirit. Three of the gospels re-tell the story of a woman who suffered for twelve long years and they don’t even…